Positive Mitzvah Forty-Three

The Pesach Musaf-offering

Requires Beit HaMikdash

VaYikra 23:8 You shall bring a fire-offering to Hashem [on each of] seven days.  On the Seventh day it is [a day] of holy assembly; you shall not do any work of labor.

We are commanded to offer a sacrifice on each of the seven days of the Passover in addition to the daily olah-offering, this being the Musaf-offering of the Festival of Unleavened Bread. 

The Musaf-offerings brought on each of the seven days of Pesach were the same in every respect, but the Musaf-offerings brought on each of the eight days of Sukkot were different (BaMidbar 29:12-38).  Hence in the case of the Festival of Sukkot the Sages regarded the various days as relatively distinct and independent holy days.  This was not the case with the Pesach. (Arch. 10a)
